Tomorrow, I will be sterile for six weeks. Yes, it was my willing decision. My body has thanked me many times over for my endocrine leveling procedure. With respect to me sticking things inside of me, I'm a virgin. Or, at least, I was until they shoved a hand blender into my cooter and took away my ability to carry babies. ::shrug:: I wrote a post about my pre-surgery mourning, and another one (I think?) about how surprised I was to have relatively no post-surgery mourning. I had never planned on having children. It doesn't mean that I didn't still consider the little potential living cells my own, er, brood. But having never been graced with life, I really kinda consider them in the same field as ghosts. (To be fair, the chemicals pumped through my body over the past few years have probably reduced the cells to little more than microscopic zombies, but I digress.) Either way, they're gone. And I'll never have children, and I love and hate this prospect equally. I am at peace with it.
...or, at least, I was, until I found out that an ex-friend of mine is having an abortion this weekend.
Okay, let's break this down. It's an ex-friend, so really, what right/obligation do I have to care about this person or what she does with her body? She's the one having an abortion. She's a girl, of course, and by virtue of my transition, I have forfeit the right to have almost ANY say in a woman's reproductive decisions. She is able to have children, and I am not. I had already expressed what I thought to be mourning over my inability to have children. Do I feel like she is abusing her priviledge/right/ability? Maybe. Her first child was an accident that she's dealing with... her second? Going to the hand blender. Once is a mistake. Twice is selfishness and carelessness. (Really, do condoms/birth control not exist?) How do I feel about this? Strongly enough to mix a drink before sitting down to write a blog about it. Do these two personal experiences change my position on abortion? If anything, it helped me to clarify it. And I mean this in the least misogynist/ignorant/whatever you want to call me way: I am pro-responsibility. I AM ANTI-SELFISH, CARELESS FUCKEN WHORE.*
There is a tiny mother inside of me that wants to adopt all the unwanted, aborted children of the world. She is, no doubt, very sad. The rest of me just hates humanity a little more. This ex-friend is not the only woman like this... my cousin had two babies within 12 months of each other by different dads, another a year or so earlier with another father... all between her 15th and 17th birthdays. She's a little older than I am with warrants for her arrest for various shady shit she's done. Living with her as a mother is not fair to her children... and neither would be losing their lives before they even begun to live them. And so, it's not about abortion, it's about fucking other people over.
I'm sad. I'm sad. I'm sad. I'm angry.
*No, I am not speaking about sex workers, but about people who intentionally sleep around for stupid reasons, like revenge, and don't use protection or anything. People who would rather a few minutes of selfish pleasure and not think about the effects it has on others.